The museum's free guided tours programme includes various types of routes to learn more about Artium Museoa’s exhibitions: our collection and/or retrospective exhibitions housed in our galleries.
All the tours start in our museum garden, a project that has provided the neighbourhood with a green space that is cared for by volunteers.
January, February and March
- Sundays, 12 am
Free access with museum admission
Reservations in the 945209020 and in the center itself
The museum's free guided tours programme includes various types of routes to learn more about Artium Museoa’s exhibitions: our collection and/or retrospective exhibitions housed in our galleries.
All the tours start in our museum garden, a project that has provided the neighbourhood with a green space that is cared for by volunteers.
October, November and December
- Sundays, 12 am
Free access with museum admission
Reservations in the 945209020 and in the center itself
LORATEGItik (from the garden) is a programme of free guided tours that includes various types of routes to learn more about Artium Museoa’s exhibitions: our collection and/or retrospective exhibitions housed in our galleries.
All the tours start in our museum garden, a project that has provided the neighbourhood with a green space that is cared for by volunteers.
July, August and September (new timetables)
- Wednesdays, 6.30 pm
- Sundays, 12 am
Free access with museum admission
Reservations in the 945209020 and in the center itself
LORATEGItik (from the garden) is a programme of free guided tours that includes various types of routes to learn more about Artium Museoa’s exhibitions: our collection and/or retrospective exhibitions housed in our galleries.
All the tours start in our museum garden, a project that has provided the neighbourhood with a green space that is cared for by volunteers.
April, May and June
- Wednesdays, 6 pm
- Sundays, 12.30 am
Free access with museum admission
Reservations in the 945209020 and in the center itself
Despedida a la exposición Tierra de los amigos de Carolina Caycedo
El próximo 7 de abril finaliza la muestra de la artista colombiana Carolina Caycedo (Londres, 1978). En el marco de su clausura el museo ha preparado una programación especial coicidinedo con los días festivos de la Semana Santa.
Haciendo ríos. Talleres abiertos
Como despedida a la exposición Tierra de los amigos de Carolina Caycedo, vamos a emular su trabajo en esta muestra y haremos retratos de ríos, contando sus historias. Pintaremos el agua, dibujaremos los animales, las plantas, las piedras y todos los seres que los habitan. Entre todas y todos crearemos largos ríos con muchos personajes y muchas historias.
28, 29, 30 y 31 de marzo; 1, 3, 4, 5 y 6 de abril // De 11:30 a 13:30 h y de 17:30 a 19:30 h
Para niñas y niños de 5 a 12 años, acompañados de una persona adulta
Mas información: 945 20 90 20
Cuaderno de exploración
Además, para poder disfrutar de la exposición de una forma diferente, de forma individual o en compañía, el cuaderno de exploración de la exposición te propone 10 enigmas que, de una manera estimulante y divertida, te ayudan a recorrer la exposición y experimentar el trabajo de la artista.
Visitas guiadas
Durante estas dos semanas festivas, se realizarán las visitas guiadas Todo Artium, un recorrido de 50 minutos en el que conocer la arquitectura del museo, su colección y sus exposiciones temporales. Además, los días 3 y 7 abril tendrán lugar las dos últimas visitas guiadas monográficas a la exposición de Caroloina Caycedo.
Todas las visitas cominzan en el Lorategi del museo.
Jueves 28 de marzo, 17:30 h
Todo Artium
Viernes 29 de marzo, 17:30 h
Todo Artium
Sábado 30 de marzo, 12:30 h
Todo Artium
Domingo 31 de marzo, 12:30 h
Todo Artium
Lunes 1 de abril, 12:30 h
Todo Artium
Miércoles 3 de abril, 18:00 h
Carolina Caycedo. Tierra de los amigos
Domingo 7 de abril, 12:30 h
Carolina Caycedo. Tierra de los amigos
Horario especial de Semana Santa: 28, 29, 30, 31 de marzo y 1 de abril: abierto ininterrumpidamente de 11:00 a 20:00 h (martes 2 de abril: cerrado).
Tarifa gratuita: Todas las tardes; Domingos todo el día; Todos los días para menores de 14 años, estudiantes, personas en desempleo y pensionistas.
Tarifa general: 5 €
LORATEGItik (from the garden) is a programme of free guided tours that includes various types of routes to learn more about Artium Museoa’s exhibitions: our collection and/or retrospective exhibitions housed in our galleries.
All the tours start in our museum garden, a project that has provided the neighbourhood with a green space that is cared for by volunteers.
January, February and March
- Wednesdays, 6 pm
- Sundays, 12.30 am
Free access with museum admission
Reservations in the 945209020 and in the center itself
LORATEGItik (from the garden) is a programme of free guided tours that includes various types of routes to learn more about Artium Museoa’s exhibitions: our collection and/or retrospective exhibitions housed in our galleries.
All the tours start in our museum garden, a project that has provided the neighbourhood with a green space that is cared for by volunteers.
July, August and September
- Wednesdays, 6 pm
- Sundays, 12.30 am
Free access with museum admission
Reservations in the 945209020 and in the center itself
Book here your visit Opening hours and ticket prices
Further information about the exhibitions
2 July
12:30 LORATEGItik. All Artium
July 5
6 pm LORATEGItik. All Artium
July 9
12:30 LORATEGItik. All Artium
July 12
6 pm LORATEGItik. All Artium
July 16
12:30 LORATEGItik. All Artium
July 19
6 pm LORATEGItik. All Artium
July 23
12:30 LORATEGItik. All Artium
July 30
12:30 LORATEGItik. All Artium
August 2
6 pm LORATEGItik. All Artium
August 6
12:30 LORATEGItik. All Artium
August 9
6 pm LORATEGItik. All Artium
August 13
12:30 LORATEGItik. All Artium
August 20
12:30 LORATEGItik. All Artium
August 23
6 pm LORATEGItik. All Artium
August 27
12:30 LORATEGItik. All Artium
August 30
6 pm LORATEGItik. All Artium
September 3
12:30 LORATEGItik. All Artium
September 6
6 pm LORATEGItik. All Artium
September 10
12:30 LORATEGItik. All Artium
September 13
6 pm LORATEGItik. All Artium
September 17
12:30 LORATEGItik. All Artium
September 20
6 pm LORATEGItik. All Artium
September 24
12.30 LORATEGItik. All Artium
September 27
6 pm LORATEGItik. All Artium
LORATEGItik (from the garden) is a programme of free guided tours that includes various types of routes to learn more about Artium Museoa’s exhibitions: our collection and/or retrospective exhibitions housed in our galleries.
All the tours start in our museum garden, a project that has provided the neighbourhood with a green space that is cared for by volunteers.
July, August and September
- Wednesdays, 6 pm
- Sundays, 12.30 am
Free access with museum admission
Reservations in the 945209020 and in the center itself
Book here your visit Opening hours and ticket prices
Further information about the exhibitions
2 July
12:30 LORATEGItik. All Artium
July 5
6 pm LORATEGItik. All Artium
July 9
12:30 LORATEGItik. All Artium
July 12
6 pm LORATEGItik. All Artium
July 16
12:30 LORATEGItik. All Artium
July 19
6 pm LORATEGItik. All Artium
July 23
12:30 LORATEGItik. All Artium
July 30
12:30 LORATEGItik. All Artium
August 2
6 pm LORATEGItik. All Artium
August 6
12:30 LORATEGItik. All Artium
August 9
6 pm LORATEGItik. All Artium
August 13
12:30 LORATEGItik. All Artium
August 20
12:30 LORATEGItik. All Artium
August 23
6 pm LORATEGItik. All Artium
August 27
12:30 LORATEGItik. All Artium
August 30
6 pm LORATEGItik. All Artium
September 3
12:30 LORATEGItik. All Artium
September 6
6 pm LORATEGItik. All Artium
September 10
12:30 LORATEGItik. All Artium
September 13
6 pm LORATEGItik. All Artium
September 17
12:30 LORATEGItik. All Artium
September 20
6 pm LORATEGItik. All Artium
September 24
12.30 LORATEGItik. All Artium
September 27
6 pm LORATEGItik. All Artium
LORATEGItik (from the garden) is a programme of free guided tours that includes various types of routes to learn more about Artium Museoa’s exhibitions: our collection and/or retrospective exhibitions housed in our galleries.
All the tours start in our museum garden, a project that has provided the neighbourhood with a green space that is cared for by volunteers.
April, May and June
- Wednesdays, 6 pm
- Sundays, 12.30 am
Free access with museum admission
Reservations in the 945209020 and in the center itself
Book here your visit Opening hours and ticket prices
Further information about the exhibitions
Sunday 2
12.30 am. LORATEGItik. Bilduma Hau Colección. Elementary Movements (1950-2000)
Wednesday 5
6 pm. LORATEGItik. Bilduma Hau Colección. Elementary Movements (1950-2000)
Thursday 6
5.30 pm. LORATEGItik. All Artium
Friday 7
5.30 pm. LORATEGItik. All Artium
Saturday 8
12.30 am. LORATEGItik. All Artium
Sunday 9
12:30 h. LORATEGItik. All Artium
Monday 10
12.30 am. LORATEGItik. All Artium
Wednesday 12
6 pm. LORATEGItik. Jutta Koether. Black Place
Sunday 16
12.30 am. LORATEGItik. Jutta Koether. Black Place
Wednesday 19
6 pm. LORATEGItik. Alejandro Cesarco. Other Recent Examples
Sunday 23
12.30 am. LORATEGItik. Rafael Lafuente. Konposaketak / Composiciones
Wednesday 26
6 pm. LORATEGItik. Bilduma Hau Colección. Elementary Movements (1950-2000)
Sunday 30
12.30 am. LORATEGItik. Alejandro Cesarco. Other Recent Examples
Monday 1
12.30 am. LORATEGItik. All Artium
Wednesday 3
6 pm. LORATEGItik. Rafael Lafuente. Konposaketak / Composiciones
Sunday 7
12.30 am. LORATEGItik. Bilduma Hau Colección. Elementary Movements (1950-2000)
Wednesday 10
6 pm. LORATEGItik. Rafael Lafuente. Konposaketak / Composiciones
Sunday 14
12.30 am. LORATEGItik. Rafael Lafuente. Konposaketak / Composiciones
Wednesday 17
6 pm. LORATEGItik. Alejandro Cesarco. Other Recent Examples
Saturday 20
6 pm. LORATEGItik. All Artium
Sunday 21
12.30 am. LORATEGItik. All Artium
Wednesday 24
6 pm. LORATEGItik. Bilduma Hau Colección. Elementary Movements (1950-2000)
Sunday 28
12.30 am. LORATEGItik. Alejandro Cesarco. Other Recent Examples
Wednesday 31
6 pm. LORATEGItik. Bilduma Hau Colección. Elementary Movements (1950-2000)
Sunday 4
12.30 am. LORATEGItik. Julia Spínola. Persona. Foto. Copia
Wednesday 7
6 pm. LORATEGItik. Alejandro Cesarco. Other Recent Examples
Sunday 11
12.30 am. LORATEGItik. Performances program
Wednesday 14
6 pm. LORATEGItik. Julia Spínola. Persona. Foto. Copia
Sunday 18
12.30 am. LORATEGItik. Bilduma Hau Colección. Elementary Movements (1950-2000)
Wednesday 21
6 pm. LORATEGItik. Julia Spínola. Persona. Foto. Copia
Sunday 25
12.30 am. LORATEGItik. Alejandro Cesarco. Other Recent Examples
Wednesday 28
6 pm. LORATEGItik. Performances program
LORATEGItik (from the garden) is a programme of free guided tours that includes various types of routes to learn more about Artium Museoa’s exhibitions: our collection and/or retrospective exhibitions housed in our galleries.
All the tours start in our museum garden, a project that has provided the neighbourhood with a green space that is cared for by volunteers.
January, February and March
- Wednesdays, 6 pm
- Sundays, 12.30 am
Free access with museum admission
Reservations in the 945209020 and in the center itself
Book here your visit Opening hours and ticket prices
Further information about the exhibitions
Wednesday 4
6 pm LORATEGItik. All Artium
Sunday 8
12:30 am LORATEGItik. Zeru bat, hamaika bide: artistic practices in the Basque Country in the period 1977 - 2002
Wednesday 11
6 pm LORATEGItik. Jutta Koether. Black Place
Sunday 15
12:30 am LORATEGItik. All Artium
Wednesday 18
6 pm LORATEGItik. The Rapture of Zulueta
Sunday 22
12:30 am LORATEGItik. Rafael Lafuente. Compositions
Wednesday 25
6 pm LORATEGItik. Zeru bat, hamaika bide: artistic practices in the Basque Country in the period 1977 - 2002
Sunday 29
12:30 am LORATEGItik. Jutta Koether. Black Place
Wednesday 1
6 pm LORATEGItik. All Artium
Sunday 5
12:30 am LORATEGItik. The Rapture of Zulueta
Wednesday 8
6 pm LORATEGItik. Rafael Lafuente. Compositions
Sunday 12
12:30 am LORATEGItik. Zeru bat, hamaika bide: artistic practices in the Basque Country in the period 1977 - 2002
Wednesday 15
6 pm LORATEGItik. Jutta Koether. Black Place
Sunday 19
12:30 am LORATEGItik. All Artium
Wednesday 22
18:00 LORATEGItik. The Rapture of Zulueta
Sunday 26
12:30 am LORATEGItik. Jutta Koether. Black Place
Wednesday 1
6 pm LORATEGItik. Rafael Lafuente. Compositions
Sunday 5
12:30 am LORATEGItik. The Rapture of Zulueta
Wednesday 8
6 pm LORATEGItik. Jutta Koether. Black Place
Sunday 12
12:30 am LORATEGItik. Rafael Lafuente. Compositions
Wednesday 15
6 pm LORATEGItik. All Artium
Sunday 19
12:30 am LORATEGItik. Jutta Koether. Black Place
Wendnesday 22
6 pm LORATEGItik. Rafael Lafuente. Compositions
Sunday 26
12.30 am LORATEGItik. Jutta Koether. Black Place.
Wednesday 29
6 pm. LORATEGItik. All Artium
© 2025 Artium Museoa.