Julia Spínola. Persona, foto, copia

From: Friday, 02 June 2023

To: Sunday, 10 December 2023

Place: A2 Gallery

The three words that make up the title of this exhibition by Julia Spínola (Madrid, 1979), Persona, foto, copia (Person, Photo, Copy), typify the concerns and desires contained in the pieces that comprise it, or perhaps it is better to say that they form it, making it emerge within a space and in a place that are also part of it. These pieces unrigorously and non-retrospectively encompass a decade in the artist’s work. If anything, the selection brings together existing works with others produced for this occasion, thereby leading to continuities, as well as new temporalities, through the relationships they generate.

Spínola’s work somehow surrounds the notion of person, of being a person, of “personhood” and its ontological implications beyond what is understood to be characteristically human. It is an interest in exploring the qualities of a person, which are perhaps those vibrations that give them the capacity to affect and be affected. Moreover, light (from the Greek phos, photo) for Spínola is a way of also producing space, of creating place as matter that we enter into and become a part of. Spínola abounds in her own work, and this abundance is the meaning of the word “copy”, as compilation, as copious. The works often stem from a radical change in scale of small objects that have awakened pleasurable sensations in the artist.

The vibrations on the surfaces of the works and variations of light on the different levels of sharpness that these produce in the contours act as a kind of focusing and blurring effect. The silkscreen prints appearing on the walls of the space also demand that we look at them from various distances, as objectives and surfaces in which to immerse ourselves, as representations and as a milieu that can encompass everything our optical system is capable of embodying.

Julia Spínola’s work has been exhibited in solo shows at the Fundació Miró (Barcelona, 2020), ARTIATX (Bilbao, 2020), CA2M Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo (Madrid, 2018) and Halfhouse (Barcelona, 2016), among other institutions. She was a recipient of a DAAD residency (Berlin) and won the El Ojo Crítico de Artes Plásticas Award from Radio Nacional de España in 2013.

This exhibition has been organised in collaboration with the Centre Rhénan d’Art Contemporain (CRAC Alsace). 

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