Wednesday, 29 January 2025 12:08

Artium Museoa announces the Juncal Ballestín Internacional Research Grant 2025

The aim of this grant is to support research projects on feminist art historiography and on artists linked to the museum's collection

The Museum of Contemporary Art of the Basque Country, Artium Museoa, announces the Juncal Ballestín International Research Grant to support research projects on the historiography of feminist art and on women artists linked to the museum’s collection. Attached to the Documentation Centre of the museum, the aim of this call is to select a research project that contributes meaningful content to the historiography of feminist art within the context of both the Basque Country and internationally and/or that analyses the production of women artists and thinkers linked to the museum’s programme and its collection. The terms and conditions for participation can be found on our website.

The call is open to researchers of any nationality, regardless of age, either individually or as members of a group submitting a joint application. Applicants must present an unpublished research project to be developed during the period covered by the grant, which will be nine consecutive months from the date of acceptance.

The maximum amount allocated for conducting the research is 7,000 euros, which is intended to cover the fees of the researchers and the expenses arising from developing the research. The deadline for applications is 10 March 2025. The selection committee will take into account the interest of the project, the professional background of the applicant and the suitability of the research proposal with regard to Artium Museoa’s objectives.

This international research grant organised by Artium Museoa is named after the artist Juncal Ballestín (Vitoria-Gasteiz, 1953-2015), whose death will be ten years ago this year 2025. Ballestín’s life was marked by her feminist commitment, developing a body of work that was characterised by the variety of materials, media and techniques she used: painting, drawing, installation, video, graphic work and so on.

In the 2024 edition the grant was awarded to the researcher Andrea Valdés (Barcelona, 1979), who proposed a comparative analysis between the practice of the Polish artist Alina Szapocznikow and that of the Basque artists Itziar Okariz and Ana Laura Aláez, both present in the museum's collection. Valdés will present the conclusions of his research work next March.

For more information, please visit the Artium Museoa website (link) or contact

Juncal Ballestín International Research Grant, linked to the Documentation
Applications can be presented until 10 March 2025
Museum of Contemporary Art of the Basque Country, Artium Museoa
Calle Francia, 24. 01002 Vitoria-Gasteiz |

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